Our Clients

Club Marketing Services provides member and employee discount cards to clients large and small across Northern Ireland, Ireland and Great Britain including…

  • Donnelly Group
  • INTO
  • UTU
  • “LibertyIT”
  • UFU
  • NIE Networks
  • Terex


“Queen’s introduced Perks in January 2007. Since its implementation, staff and graduates have had the opportunity to avail of a superb selection of offers across Northern Ireland as well as elsewhere in the UK and throughout Ireland. Thanks to CMS the scheme is very easy to run and our staff and graduates thoroughly enjoy the wide and increasing range of discounts.”

Meaghan Lyons

Queen’s University Belfast

“NIPSA, Northern Ireland’s largest trade union with over 50,000 members has decided to not only again issue a free Membership Benefits Directory and Card to every member, but to increase by 1/3 the range of offers. We look forward to working with Club Marketing Services for another year and to pass onto our members both additional in-year benefits and further improved services from the team at Club Marketing Services.”

Bumper Graham


“Membership Plus is a fantastic affinity offer for members of the Ulster Farmers’ Union. Our members are using their Membership Plus card to benefit from offers in a wide range of venues including restaurants, hotels, golf courses and retail outlets. By using the card they can easily make savings to cover the cost of their annual UFU subscription. Club Marketing Services, who co-ordinate the card, have at all times in their dealings with UFU displayed professionalism and integrity. Critically, their customer service with our members is excellent and any queries have been dealt with efficiently and satisfactorily. They are clearly a customer focused and progressive company, having recently invested significantly in their online presence. I can with confidence recommend their services.”

Derek Lough

Ulster Farmers’ Union

“I have developed an excellent working relationship with the Membership Plus team since the introduction of the Membership Plus directory to NICSSA in 2005. The directory which supports NICSSA’s outreach to over 11,000 members throughout Northern Ireland has been an extremely worthwhile addition to our membership benefits portfolio, saving members hundreds of pounds each year in a wide range of high street outlets and restaurants. I am delighted with the ongoing development of Membership Plus and in particular the introduction of the new website which I believe will not only enhance the directories profile but will be a very useful tool for members to avail of additional offers at their finger tips.”

Gerry Kelly

NICSSA Sports & Leisure

“We have found Club Marketing Services extremely professional in their service, both dealing with the initial scheme set up for ourselves and in ongoing back up service. Any requests and queries from ourselves are dealt with immediately and with friendly manner. Our members represent all grades and professions within the NHS in Northern Ireland. We would be happy to recommend Club Marketing Services to similar organisations.”

Alan Hayes

Staff Services

“The Perks scheme is very easy to run and our staff and graduates thoroughly enjoy the wide and increasing range of discounts.” Meaghan Lyons , Queens’ University Belfast